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Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

I recently received a job from SBS Farms in New York. I am moving to Florida to work with some of the most talented individuals in the horse industry.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Project

My senior project was to write a sitcom pilot and also get together a resume tape of some sort to put together a portfolio of my talents. While writing my pilotm I found a lot of problems with the writing because I couldn't find a scenario that seemed honest to what I was doing. Finally, I found something that I could write about and draw on my own ideas and life experiences to share with the world.

I should have spent more time with the project writing creatively and just brainstorming in general, but with the pull of all my other responsibilities, my script isn't quite where I would like it to be, but is well on its way to becoming great. As far as resume tape material, I am LOADED. I have radio on-air personality, news anchor, and my tv producing has a great tape too since we had all that great explosion stuff. I am really excited.

I feel that I have enough stuff to get me started SOMEWHERE, and as I get to keep reworking my script over break and getting new ideas and experiences, it can only grow from there.

So that's my update on the project, now all I need to do is find someone to read it...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When can I read it?

8:20 PM  

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