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Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

I recently received a job from SBS Farms in New York. I am moving to Florida to work with some of the most talented individuals in the horse industry.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

What I want to be when I grow up...

The first memory I have of wanting to be something when i grew up was whenever I was four years old and crawing around in bed with my parents after I woke them up on a Saturday morning. I told my mother that I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. She was expecting something profound and probaby something to do with animals because that's what I loved most in the world.
"A waitress in the Big Apple!" I said with a large grin.
My mother's smile faded. "No, Aidan, you want to be a vetrinarian."
"Because waitresses don't make enough money."
"Oh. Ok!" And from that day up unti the age of fifteen, I wanted to be a vet. After that, I thought about going into advertising for about a week, and then I decided that I was going to manage a farm and would go to school for business. That is, I had planned on that before the bitterness.
When I was a senior in high school I finally go my driver's license. That's right, I didn't get it until I was a senior because I never had time to go get it. I had spent every moment at the barn after school ever since I was eleven years old. I don't care if it was thirty below or one hundred degrees, I was there working with my horses because I liked to win. And the only way to win at horse shows was to be the best. But after I was told that I would have to sell Stubben after I went to school I became a little resentful of the barn. I wanted to spend time with my friends before I went off to school and since everyone was so accumstomed to me being there all the time, it was a "big problem" when I wanted to take a night off.
So, at this time I was applying to college and I looked at Westminster and decided that I could get in and that it was far enough away from home that I could go home if I wanted and that they couldn't control me anymore.
That was a random tangent story that needed to be told to understand why I'm here. Sorry for that. Anyway, I gave up on business and looked at the choices westminster offered me and I figured, "Hey, I like theatre, but I want to make broadcasting is close to that." And the rest is history. Now here I am, I like what I do, but I'm back to wanting to incorporate the horses into my life because at the end of the day they truly are my passion and my love. And I'm a damn god rider and teacher too. I should be, for sixteen years doing it.

So all in all, I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but, hopefully, one day I'll figure it out.


Blogger Liz Farry said...

I so enjoy your tangent stories. How about a show about horses? I personally volunteer to be the star. (I am only thinking about you and your career of course.)

9:56 AM  
Blogger Brad Weaver, BC Instructor said...

When you have all the other stuff out of your system, you should move to Chincoteague and paint the wild ponies.

9:17 PM  

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