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Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

I recently received a job from SBS Farms in New York. I am moving to Florida to work with some of the most talented individuals in the horse industry.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Oh Project

This project is the worst thing ever. Not really, but with everything else in my life going on it's just one more thing to add on the list. Luckily, I have a great team that tries really hard and does a great job. We're also really funny.

I started editing today. I've got a solid three minutes pieced together the way I like them, but...I need more diversity. Funny seeing as how that's what the entire thing is about. We're going to get more interviews next week and I'm hoping that will help eat some of the time and make it more compelling. Oh how I talk like a producer.

I may want to reshoot our interview with Joselyn, but I'm not sure yet seeing as how I like what she said and the way she said it, and I don't want to lose the sponteneity of her answers. Decisions, decisions...I guess I'll poll the group and see what they say since its their project too.

I'm really excited seeing as how I think I can put this together completely as a video essay...a feat I have always wanted to conquer before I left college...we'll see how it goes. I may cave by next week and voice tracj something, but we'll see how long I can hold out.

That's all that is going on with the project. Time to get back to relay for life.


Blogger Jolene said...

woo Relay for Life! I've been being a big dork and listening to Titan Radio all day today.

So what's this project you're referring to?

3:10 PM  
Blogger B. Weaver said...

Don't forget you are allowed to create drama and point of view, etc....MUSIC...EFFECTS...ETC. What are you doing about music?

9:57 PM  
Blogger Aidan said...

music...well joselyn already adds a lot of musical elements I need to build my flow first and then see where I can build that in.

5:23 PM  

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