New Beginnings
Seeing as how I am about to jet off into the world of unknown, I want to keep all of my friends and family updated on all of my status. Since I don't like to talk on the phone that much, and I just got a new plan that cut WAY back on my minutes (Verizon always knows how to stick it to you, don't they?), I have decided to keep a blog of all of my new adventures.
I case you haven't heard, I am moving to Florida for four months. I leave January 1 and am making the long drive down to Ocala to work with one of the top horse show farms on the East Coast. SBS Farms is home of Jennifer Alfano, a trainer that I have admired for years. She has been the World Champion Hunter rider several times and ride some of the most prestigious horses in the nation. The picture to the left is Jennifer riding RockStar. I recently got to meet him while I was in Buffalo interviewing for the job, and he is the sweetest horse in the world.
I am very excited to go down and live at Post Time Farm for the HITS Season and take care of all the wonderful horses.

Also, when the winter circuit is over, I move back to Buffalo and get to continue working with the animals and travel all over the East Coast with the farm to some of the most prestigious shows in the country. Am I excited? You bet I am.
At the same time I am also writing for a children't show. Kid Fit is a half-hour show centered around exercises for children. Two of my shows were recently put into production and I am hoping to get the DVD's soon.
Seeing as how I just got a new Digital Camera for my birthday I will be documenting my trip and keeping everyone up to speed on what I am doing. Wish me luck!