Life After College...The Aidan Mewha Story

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Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

I recently received a job from SBS Farms in New York. I am moving to Florida to work with some of the most talented individuals in the horse industry.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Unwrapping my performance

Well the capstone project is over and now it's getting to be that thime where I face reality. I'm not going to lie when I say that I was getting slightly upset during my presentation. I'm still slightly upset. Four years of growing relationships with these wonderful broadcast majors makes anyone choke up wjen they think of leaving them. But we'll get to that later.

The presentation itself went ok. I feel that I could have been a little more prepared, but everything worked out fine and everyone seemed to enjoy my presentation. I still need to work on slowing my speech down. I've gottien that note ever since I can remember. From theatre in high school to speech class to now. I can't help that my mind moves faster than my mouth and it tries to catch up. Like I said in my presentation, I'm a genius, so deal =).

Anyway back to me being sad about graduating. I always like to shock people my senior year with the fact I do have feelings. Shocking, I know. Most of the time I'm too busy to face them, but I have few minutes to be sentimental.

Out of all the seniors, though, I must say I'm going to miss Mike the most. I was in my very first class with Mike, lived through some french with Mike, and spent years on the radio with him...Not to mention spent some awkward trips on the road in some fields too. He also saves my ass all the time when I break something. So Mike, I'm gonna miss you, but I'm sure you'll be getting phone calls when I break something in the real world too.

I must also say that I'm going to miss Liz, DJ, Amy, Leanne, and Stevi bunches too. All of you guys are so awesome. Everybody has atleast one skill that I wish I could just suck out of you and posess for myself, but alas, I don't have those kinds of powers. I have enjoyed the time I spent with you more than I can put into I'm not even going to try. Thanks for everything you guys, I'm sure you'll be getting calls down the road too..from a payphone, probably collect, from little homeless Aidan asking if there are any custodial positions opening up at your successful places of business. Just say "Go back to your box, Aidan and take a nap." And that's all I want. Everyone of you are going to be something great, and I'm glad I'm going to get to say "I knew them back when..." True. I really do love you guys.

So that's all I can handle right now. Don't worry Mr. Weaver I'll probably have some words for you soon, but I need to go do things for your cluster ::angry face::

Thanks again for all the memories. Hooray for the BC Class of 2007!

Too Much Lipp form Lippmann

First and foremost I must address Walter Lippmann's writing style. I'm sure that he could have gotten a really great job writing stereo instructions for RCA, but instead he went the academic route so all of us could fall asleep a little easier each night. Maybe he was employed by a lesser known Serta, and was the inspiration behind the counting sheep...the world may never know.
Now looking at what Lippmann was trying to say: The basic idea is that the media controls all of the "pictures in our heads" and that the common public is not intelligent or perceptive enough to figure things out for themselves. He offers a philosophical option by employing an "intelligensia" which is a higher order of people who are educated about culture, politics, and media savvy.
While this may sound like a cracked out idea, if you look at it from tody's perspective, isn't that sort of already employed? We are controlled what to think about by the gatekeeper's agenda setting ways and the hyper reality that they create by making things more important than they really are. While some may say that we are only exposed to what we want to be exposed to, who decides what we get to choose to expose ourselves to? Books, magazines, television, and movies are all forms of media that are in the public for a profit. They are all owned by huge companies that are pushing their own agendas and have powerful friends that don't want people to think about certain things (Ahem, sugarcane run cars?) so they expose us to other things to distract us from reality.
Most easily this can be viewed as a part of the conflict theory where as big media is in the powerful position and the citizens are the powerless. There seems to be no way for the public to reverse the structure because as lippmann says, there really is no democracy, which I wholeheartedly believe. We are living in the biggest scam in the world and there's no way out. Welcome to America, the land of no free healh care, oil-dependant, and soon to be corn-crazy. Ridiculous.
